Dagens (nr 39) #ImagineJustin
Justin grabs the guitar
Justin: "I've wrote a song to you hun"
Dagens (nr 38) #ImagineJustin
jumped up behind you and saying "I Love You"
Vet inte riktigt vad bilden hade med dagens Imagine...men men...
Dagens (nr 37) #ImagineJustin
you fall asleep on his shoulders and he start
singing a song for you.
Dagens (nr 36) #ImagineJustin
were crying so hard while he wipes your tears
and kiss you soft lips and said "I'll be back hun"
Dagens (nr 35) #ImagineJustin
You: "For what?"
Justin: "For won a bed trip with Justin Bieber"
You: "Naughty Boy" *laugh*
Dagens (nr 34) #ImagineJustin
You open your locker and you saw a note saying
"Babe, meet me at the nearest McDonalds /Love
Dagens (nr 33) #ImagineJustin
suddenly Justin push you against the wall
and start kissing you. *10 min later*
Dagens (nr 32) #ImagineJustin
Justin: "Can I trust you?"
You: "Of course you can"
Justin: "I have a secret honestly. I'm
falling in love with my best friend" *smiles*
Dagens (nr 31) #ImagineJustin
school called "Loving you" i would have a A+++"
*smiling at you*
Extra #ImagineJustin
#ImagineJustin hugged you for almost 10 min,
you pulled back but he said "Hey Babe, I'm
not finish. Hug me more" *winks*
Teacher: "Okey class, let's move on to chemistry
Justin: "I've already got a chemistry with her
*winks at you*
#ImagineJustin saying "I Love You"
You: "Why?"
Justin: "Cuz i love the way you are, the
way you smile, the way you move, the
way you are just you"
#ImagineJustin saying "I will always be on your side"
You: "Always?"
Justin: "Always and Forever"
Dagens (nr 30) #ImagineJustin
Justin: "Hey hun, how r u?"
You: "I'm not feeling good" :(
Justin: "Don't worry, Dr.Bieber is
on his way" ;)
Dagens (nr 29) #ImagineJustin
#ImagineJustin doing push ups.
Justin: 1,2,3,4,5, *You walk by*
Justin: 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 69, 69 *smiles*
Dagens (nr 28) #ImagineJustin
she's so cute, beautiful, nice, cute, pretty...so
stunning, gorgeous, her eyes...her smile... "
10 sec later, Jeremy seals Justin's mouth with tape.
Dagens (nr 27) #ImagineJustin
You: "What?"
Justin: "The spaces between my fingers are right where
yours fit perfectly"
Dagens (nr 26) #ImagineJustin
You: "Red"
*Next day Justin is wearing red*
Justin: "Am I your favorite now?"
Dagens (nr 25) #ImagineJustin
#ImagineJustin and you meets for the 2nd time.
Justin: "Hey! I remember you"
You: "You do?"
Justin: "Yeah, but this time, don't leave so fast!" *smiles*
Det funkar inte att lägga in bild på blogg.se just nu :o jag vet inte vad som är felet, om det är min dator eller blogg.se. Kanske testar att starta om min dator men ni får nöja er med ett #ImagineJustin utan bild tills vidare.
SVAR PÅ ANONYM KOMMENTAR: Tack så mycket! Jag tror nog den nya designen, speciellt headern kommer få dig att lee ännu mer, så håll ut till den. Jag tycker personligen den nya designen kommer bli riktigt gullig. Fler #ImagineJustin lär säkert komma. På fredag nästa vecka kommer jag inte ha något kvar i 9:an, då sätts betygen och allt måste vara klart och inlämnat, och då får jag mer tid för bloggen. Så då lär det förhoppningsvis komma fler Imagine. Tack för att du uppskattar bloggen! Kram <3
Dagens (nr 24) #ImagineJustin
my biggest weekness" (U Smile)
Dagens (nr 23) #ImagineJustin
#ImagineJustin and you were at the movies.
He pretends to stretch and slowly put his arm
around you, you stares in his eyes and smiles.
Dagens (nr 22) #ImagineJustin
Justin: "Can I come in?"
You: "No!"
Justin: "Just a peck!"
You: "What a perv your are" *laughs*
Dagens (nr 21) #ImagineJustin
close the light and push you against the wall then he
kiss you softly while holding your waist.